The Home Study Course manual which includes on-line training videos, can be reviewed on your own computer, on your personal schedule. We insist that traders receive guidance after completing these course chapters by attending the Live Trading Room hosted by John Person.
Combining the Learn-at-home text book, multimedia course instruction plus professional live classroom instruction generates the most powerful formal trading education available today. We train step by step based on an individual’s needs to ensure their market knowledge. The subject matter covered is taught in stages so that students from all levels, from novice to experienced are on the same path. There are those traders that have come to us that have spent tens of thousands of dollars on education that did not deliver the results they expected. We retrain and re-educate those individuals, starting from the beginning with the basics to ensure their success. We are result driven professionals and we want to mold you into the same material.
What we offer is an advanced yet easy to understand trading methodology that makes good logical sense. We teach specific trading strategies and techniques through state-of-the-art educational technology. The cost of this service is $5,300.
Our Curriculum
In order to help you form realistic goals and expectations, during our online course, we used realistic trading simulations so that our graduates and course members gain real experience before risking their own trading capital. We employ a strategic, consultative approach that provides traders a means for a more thorough and faster comprehension needed to ensure knowledge of the mechanics for successful trading.
The Home Study Course manual which includes on-line training videos, can be reviewed on your own computer, on your personal schedule. We insist that traders receive guidance after completing these course chapters, so our Live Trading Room reaffirms what you read, plus allows for a time period for questions and answers.
Combining the Learn-at-home text book, multimedia course instruction plus professional live training generates the most powerful formal trading education available today. We train step by step based on an individual’s needs to ensure their market knowledge.
The subject matter covered is taught in stages so that students from all levels, from novice to experienced are on the same path. There are those traders that have come to us that have spent tens of thousands of dollars on education that did not deliver the results they expected. We retrain and re-educate those individuals, starting from the beginning with the basics to ensure their success. We are result driven professionals and we want to mold you into the same material.
Earn Confidence through Experience
Once you have completed half of your video training you'll have basic knowledge of what a futures market is to the specific set-ups and triggers we use, it is at this point that we recommend you join is in the actual trading room with live market calls. We announce the set-ups and the triggers, then show when, where and why to place the initial stops. We explain how to maintain the trade, when to trail or tighten stops and when and where to exit the trade. These calls are all based on the course material you will have covered. This hands-on training will build your confidence as you see the trading live, in real time with other professional traders in the room, conducting their own trades based on the same signals. You will be instructed on how to use a virtual trading platform with a starting account balance of 10,000. It is during the third and fourth week that you will be expected to trade these signals in this “paper trading” account. We expect that a student have at least two weeks or ten full trading days of positive trading results before opening a trading account with a brokerage firm and committing real risk capital in the market.
Real Income through Education
Now that you are ready to trade, after completing the intensive four week course, we insist that you trade in the live trading room with your course instructor and fellow traders. This is to help confirm your education and help in your continuing education. You now can make money in real time and speed the return on your educational investment. This will absolutely help you master the confidence needed to become one of the industries finest traders. Our goal is for our students to be in the top 5% of all winning traders. This will be one of the best investments for any kind of education that can produce a change in lifestyle. Your tuition covers a total of three complete months, every day, five days a week so that your educational experience is solidified in a trading environment based on the specific rules, and criteria taught in the course.
Candles and Pivots Delivers
We are serious traders with one of the best approaches in market analysis and trading method. We screen our applicants for suitability. Not just anyone is accepted in this program. We want to make sure our students are capable of learning the methods from a psychological, physical, and financial standpoint. We want to train people who have the desire, the ability and the talent to succeed, but just have not had the opportunity or formal education to do so.
Once you have been accepted in the program and your enrolment fee has been paid you are ready to get started. If you have taken other courses, you will immediately understand that this is one of the most powerful methods and taught in a completely different manor. Candles and Pivots also offers you the chance to continue your education through private one on one coaching and mentoring to ensure your continued success. This will be the wisest investment in yourself for your new profession, trading for financial independence.
Your market sense and insight kept me on the right side of the market and in numerous successful trades. I can't express enough my gratitude for all the hard work you do on behalf of your clients. I know you have mentioned that this work is something that you do for yourself, but sharing it with us on such a timely basis is incredibly helpful and appreciated.
Thank you once again for a great course!!
If you are considering taking a course from John, I strongly encourage you to do so. He gave me a strong foundation from which to build my own methods. If you are lost as a trader, John will be able to help you. Thank you John, I owe all my success to you!