Online Training Classes

Learn what I'm going to share with you so you can do your own research to be head and shoulders above most technicians and street analyst. At the least, learn how to apply my strategies and specific analysis process before you ever act on another stock "tip" or trade idea.

Online Training Classes
June 12, 2024
2:00 pm

About the Event

Yes... YOU can beat the PROP and Institutional Traders in these Markets, if you apply a few of John Person's Strategies.

Schedule: June 12th, 19th and 26th

Payment: $789.00

If you need assistance, call 561-655-1881 or email: – or click here to reserve your place.

Here is what you need:

  • Proven tactics to make sound trading decisions
  • Modernized Trading tools that give early and highly effective signals
  • A trading strategy that includes where and when to enter a trade, risk parameters and a solid exit strategy to take what the market gives

2024 is setting up for another historic volatile trading environment.

I base that statement on a mounting wall of worry, but these are the four specific events:

  • Profound (yet real) FEARS on the economic outcome of how Central Bankers have dealt with Inflation, the overhanging uncertainty exists that they may have over tightened monetary policy by raising interest rates too high, and certainly some analysts feel they haven’t gone far enough.
  • Concerns mount over the new Congress which may turn out to be a “tug of war” over fiscal policies as politicians battle out how to curb historic deficit spending.
  • Heightened geopolitical fall out over the risk of a trade war with China
  • A real war with Russia’s continued and the impact of the war in Israel.

The markets will gyrate, we will have both positive and negative overnight news driven events, and we might even have a "Black Swan Event", that's what is described as an unknown event that occurs without warning causing a drastic market moving event.

Let's face it, someone always has either "insider" information or faster information and acts on it before anyone else or before its known to the general public. Politicians know ahead of everyone else what bills might be passed that would give a multi-billion-dollar contract to say Boeing or a software contract to Microsoft or new computer orders for the TSA for Dell Computers. When some trader acts on that information by entering trades in the markets, volume analysis may help detect that money flow. Options trades may even show "unusual" activity.

That's where LEARNING what technical tools to use can help YOU pick up these trade signals.

ONLINE OPTIONS TRAINING CLASSES FOR 2024 - June 12th, 19th and 26th


I have traded in dozens of trading rooms for over 16 years and I want to relay to others that in my experience John Person is head and shoulders above the rest. The trading system that John has developed works beautifully day in and out in any time frame."
- Peter B.

"Your market sense and insight kept me on the right side of the market and in numerous successful trades. I can't express enough my gratitude for all the hard work you do on behalf of your clients. I know you have mentioned that this work is something that you do for yourself, but sharing it with us on such a timely basis is incredibly helpful and appreciated."
- John Z.

"I wish I would have found you before I spent untold thousands on books, courses, tapes, and other media, some of which aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Any time someone can take the time to give back and help others accomplish that which he or she has learned and profited from it's not only rare, but very admirable, so thank you!!"
- J. McCallum

"If you are considering taking a course from John, I strongly encourage you to do so. He gave me a strong foundation from which to build my own methods. If you are lost as a trader, John will be able to help you. Thank you John, I owe all my success to you!"
- Loren M.


None of the stock information, data, and company information presented herein constitutes a recommendation by or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities. Any specific securities identified and described do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold, or recommended for advisory clients. The reader should not assume that investments in the securities identified and discussed were or will be profitable. Information presented is general information that does not take into account your individual circumstances, financial situation, or needs, nor does it present a personalized recommendation to you. Individual stocks presented may not be suitable for you. Investment in securities involves significant risk and has the potential for partial or complete loss of funds invested. Although information has been obtained from and is based upon sources believes to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy and the information may be incomplete or condensed. All opinions and estimates are based as of the date of the report and are subject to change without notice. This page is for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments and should not be relied upon as the sole factor in an investment making decision. Any decision to purchase securities mentioned in this page must take into account existing public information on such security or any registered prospectus.

The performance results authored or edited by John Person Inc or on this site may not be based on any actual securities trading, portfolio, or accounts, and the newsletters reported performances should be considered mere "paper" or proforma performance results. Past performance is no indication of future results. Trading Futures, Stocks, Options, Forex involves significant risk of loss.


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Online Training Classes

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June 12, 2024
2:00 pm
John Person Trading Strategies You will use Forever

John Person Trading Strategies You will use Forever

LIVE 2-Day Event, on December 6th and 7th. You will learn new and basic strategies that will always enhance your trading strategies. No matter what your level is. Sign up for the event and don't miss out on the best trading strategies that never expire!

December 6, 2024
8:00 am
Hilton Garden Inn, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida